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Why us? 


Oxford Multilingual Montessori is a unique setting that satisfies the increasing linguistic and multicultural demand. It helps all the children to progress in English and another language in a smooth natural way while acquiring extended life skills during their time with us: 


1.      Building self-confidence to express their opinions and to talk clearly in front of an audience: on a routine basis; at Circle Time and Transition Time; in plays (Christmas and end of year one). Confidence to be the best they can be. 


2.     Establishing routines with predictable sequences and events. Besides the environment is well organised to encourage children to practice their independence and make choices:


  • Learning about sequences

  • Getting organised. e.g. dress independently

  • Taking turns to be a “helping hand” at snack and lunch time. Opportunities to serve themselves and prepare food.

  • Self help and self care skills promoted as and when children are ready. e.g. manage their own personal ‘hygiene’.

  • Montessori work cycle - they select and use activities and resources independently. Tidiness and learning how to work independently.


3.      Learning additional languages and cultures – French, Spanish etc. e.g. songs in different languages for Christmas.


“But languages are more than just a means of communication. By learning languages, and gaining an insight into the point of view of others, we become more tolerant, more ready to compromise, more conscious of the complexity of the society. We learn to see our many mother tongues as a source of wealth and a pathway to greater solidarity and mutual understanding.” Leonard Orban, EU Language Framework 2008.  Acceptance of difference and understanding of different cultures.


4.      Developing positive social interaction: taking turns on popular equipment; providing equipment that encourages cooperation. TEACHERS are ‘GUIDES’: to encourage children to solve problems by themselves and to interact with each other, to negotiate plans and activities and take turn in conversations. All achievements are valued.


5.      Thinking of other children in need through fundraising (sensitising children to other children’s needs not only in the classroom). We organise with the children occasional fundraisings events (e.g. Jericho Street Market, etc).


6.      Learning about respect: 

- Respect for themselves, for staff and for living things.


- Respect for everybody’s work. As a result there is very good peer interaction (they share and cooperate). Children are aware of the 'Golden Rules' for the setting which encourage them to be gentle, be kind and be helpful. Ground rules are part of our Circle Time.


- Respect for the environment (e.g. recycling for the modelling box). Children are responsible for their environment. They also learn how to care about the material.


7.      Developing a Sense of community: Meeting and developing positive relationships with community members: visits to local elderly nursing homes; visits to the local corner shop; visits to the library bus. Welcoming visitors: e.g. the French baker, Police Community Officers, etc.

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